Dear Student,
Group classes are exactly that,. Classes.
Group classes should not be expected to heal your shoulder injury, cure your back pain or even get you in the "best shape of your life". Group classes and Physical Therapy or Rehab, even Personal Training are very different from one another! Group classes are designed for otherwise healthy individuals,. meaning they have no major issues in any of the areas of wellbeing such as mental health, cardiovascular health, musculoskeletal health, metabolic health, etc. Most students know this going in as they sign paperwork upon joining that not only state as much but also outline the participants risk and liability. I, as your group instructor certainly don't want you OR anyone for that matter doing anything that causes unnecessary pain or discomfort and I should have the knowledge to offer modifications for your health concerns (should you chose to disclose them, most don't) But keeping in mind that it is a group class of many students with many different concerns, expecting the instructor to offer individual modification to everyone is just unrealistic! The importance of listening to your own body is high! It is your responsibility to self regulate your pace, intensity and effort while making modification as you feel needed. I try to make that very clear in every class.
Movement is good but sometimes less is more. If the movement is causing discomfort or pain then it warrants evaluation. Is it performed in the proper alignment? Is the standard "proper alignment" even right for this particular person? Is there a limiting factor, such as muscular imbalance, tendon or ligament impingement, boney stop point, etc. that is preventing proper alignment/execution of the movement in the first place? Is there another movement that should be tackled first to work towards eliminating the aforementioned issues? And so on, and so on, and so on,...
Private sessions or for assessing individuals limitations, (if any) working on eliminating them, working around them and/or avoiding the movements altogether if the limitation is caused by a genetic determinant that has not and will not likely cause damage or harm if altered or avoided and finally referring clients out to seek medical intervention if damage has already occurred.
In heart felt wishes for health and wellness,
Your under-valued, under-appreciated but mostly completely frustrated group fitness instructor